Sup Guys
Networking is an important platform for an Ethical Hacker to check on, many of the threat can come from the internal network like network sniffing, Arp Spoofing, MITM e.t.c, This article is on Xerosploit which provides advanced MITM attack on your local network to sniff packets, steal password etc.
Table of Content:
- Introduction to Xerosploit
- Man-In-The-Middle
- Xerosploit Installation
- PSCAN (Port Scanner)
- DOS (Denial of service)
- dspoof
- Driftnet
Introduction to Xerosploit
Xerosploit is a penetration testing toolkit whose goal is to perform a man in the middle attacks for testing purposes. It brings various modules that allow realising efficient attacks, and also allows to carry out denial of service attacks and port scanning. Powered by bettercap and nmap.
For those who are not familiar with Man-in-the-middle attack, welcome to the world of internal network attacks
- nmap
- hping3
- build-essential
- ruby-dev
- libpcap-dev
- libgmp3-dev
- tabulate
- terminal tables
Built-up with various Features:
- Port scanning
- Network mapping
- Dos attack
- Html code injection
- Javascript code injection
- Download interception and replacement
- Sniffing
- DNS spoofing
- Background audio reproduction
- Images replacement
- Drifnet
- Webpage defacement and more
A man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating with each other. There are many open source tools available online for this attack like Ettercap, MITMF, Xerosploit, e.t.c
Xerosploit Installation
Xerosploit is an attack tool for MITM which can run only on Linux OS to do so follow the simple steps:-
Open up terminal and type:
git clone
cd xerosploit && sudo python
sudo xerosploit
Download Link: