کۆرسی داتابەیس بەشی تیۆری 42 وانە کە لە زانکۆ و پەیمانگاکان باس دەکرێ Database Design - DBMS

ماڵپەڕی ماڵێک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا Home4T.coM
بەناوی خودای گەورەو میهرەبان 
 کۆرسی داتابەیس بەشی تیۆری
 کە لە زانکۆ و پەیمانگاکان باس دەکرێ
 42 وانە 
ماوەی خولەکە 2 کاتژمێرە
 Database Design - DBMS
  فەرموون بینەری وانەکان بن  

وانەی ١

What is a Database?





وانەی ٢

What is SQL, DBMS, MySQL, SQL 

Server and Oracle



وانەی ٣

How to Start Creating Database




وانەی ٤

What is Data and Database?





وانەی ٥

What is DBMS - Database Management Systems?





وانەی ٦


What is Data, SQL, DB and DBMS?





وانەی ٧

What is Data Model in Database?





وانەی ٨

What is Network Model in Database?



 ماڵیک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا




وانەی ٩

What is Hierarchical Model in Database?




وانەی ١٠

What is a Relational Model in Database






وانەی ١١

Introduction to Entity in Database





وانەی ١٢

What is a Relationship in Database







وانەی ١٣

What is an Attribute in Database





وانەی ١٤

What is Entity and Attribute in Database






وانەی ١٥

What is Database Table?





وانەی ١٦

What is Entity and Entity type in Database ?




وانەی ١٧

What is Attribute and Attribute type in Database ?




وانەی ١٨

What are Attribute Types in Database?






وانەی ١٩

What is Simple Attribute and Composite Attribute in Database?

وانەی ٢٠ 

What is Single value Attribute and MultiValue Attribute in Database?

وانەی ٢١

What is Stored Attribute and Derived Attribute in Database?

وانەی ٢٢ 

Notations of Attributes in ER diagram

وانەی ٢٣

What is Complex Attribute in Database?

وانەی ٢٤

What is Null Value in Database?

وانەی ٢٥

What is ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram

وانەی ٢٦

What is Relatiionaship in Database?

وانەی ٢٧

Degree of Relationship in Database

وانەی ٢٨

Participations Of Relationship in Database

 ماڵیک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا



وانەی ٢٩

What is Cardinality Of Relationship in Database

وانەی ٣٠

What is Cardinality Ratio of Relationship in Database

وانەی ٣١

Single line & Double line Participation of Relationship in Database

وانەی ٣٢

ER Diagram: min & max notations in Database

وانەی ٣٣

What is Entity Relationship in Database?

وانەی ٣٤

One to One Relationship 1:1 in Database

 ماڵیک بۆ تەکنۆلۆژیا



وانەی ٣٥

ER diagram of One to One Relationship

وانەی ٣٦

Cardinality and Participation in One to One Relationship

وانەی ٣٧

How to find Cardinality Ratio of One to One Relationship

وانەی ٣٨

One to One Relationship in Database

 وانەی ٣٩

One to Many Relationship in Database

وانەی ٤٠

One to Many Relationship Database

وانەی ٤١

ER Diagram of Many to Many Relationships in Database

وانەی ٤٢

Many to Many Relationships in Database

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